What can be an alternative for sugar?!

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As you know, sugar consumption is decreasing in Europe. Consumers are choosing healthier, low-sugar diets. Because of this, food processors are reformulating their products, so they have a lower sugar content. To be able to label products as sugar-free, more and more often, processors are using alternative sweeteners. Food safety authorities are researching many sugar alternatives.

Although sugar consumption is decreasing in Europe, consumers are worried about the use of sugar alternatives. What can really be an alternative for sugar?

Processed fruit as a sugar alternative

There are many types of processed fruit that taste sweet and can be used as an ingredient in product formulations. A common example is dried fruit, which is naturally sweeter than fresh fruit. Dates are particularly popular as a natural sweetener (you can read article of Mimhanafood about 21 Health Benefits Of Dates here). More and more often, products such as date sugar, date paste and date syrup are used as natural sweeteners. Dates are replacing the need for artificial additives. This is making ingredient labels clearer.

Raisins are naturally sweet and high in sugar and calories, but they also contain fiber, antioxidants, and important minerals like iron (you can read article of Mimhanafood about raisins Benefits here).

So the next time you’re craving candy or sweets, consider munching on some raisins to satisfy your yearning. Your body will reap the healthy benefits.

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